
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Technical University of Munich in the group of Christian Kühn working on dynamical systems on networks.

I received my Ph.D. from the University of Queensland in mathematical neuroscience and before that, my M.Sc. and B.Sc. from the Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich in mathematical physics and physics, respectively.

Research Interests

In my research, I study dynamical systems on networks. I am interested in interacting particle systems, such as epidemic or (adaptive) voter models, and, specifically, the dynamics and phase transitions of their corresponding mean-field moment systems. More recently, I have also started to investigate the effect of polyadic as opposed to only dyadic interactions on the dynamics in these models. As such, my overall interests are in dynamical and adaptive systems, networks, and probability.


P. Steinmeyer*, J. Mölter*, and C. Kuehn. Phase transitions for polyadic epidemic and voter models with multiscale groups. arXiv:2410.12682 [nlin.AO]

J. Mölter*, J. Ji*, B. Lienkamp*, Q. Zhang, A. T. Moreno, M. Schiffer, R. Moeckel, and C. Kuehn. Public Transport across Models and Scales: A Case Study of the Munich Network. PNAS Nexus 3:pgae489 (2024). DOI: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae489 

A. Golovin, J. Mölter, and C. Kuehn. Polyadic Opinion Formation: The Adaptive Voter Model on a Hypergraph. Annalen der Physik 536:2300342 (2024). DOI: 10.1002/andp.202300342 . arXiv:2308.03640 [physics.soc-ph]

C. Kuehn and J. Mölter. Preserving Bifurcations through Moment Closures. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (SIADS) 23 (2024), 791–812. DOI: 10.1137/23M158440X. arXiv:2307.03468 [nlin.AO]

J. Sawicki*, R. Berner*, S. A. M. Loos*, M. Anvari, R. Bader, W. Barfuss, N. Botta, N. Brede, I. Franović, D. J. Gauthier, S. Goldt, A. Hajizadeh, P. Hövel, O. Karin, P. Lorenz-Spreen, C. Miehl, J. Mölter, S. Olmi, E. Schöll, A. Seif, P. A. Tass, G. Volpe, S. Yanchuk, and J. Kurths. Perspectives on adaptive dynamical systems. Chaos 33:071501 (2023). DOI: 10.1063/5.0147231 . arXiv:2303.01459 [nlin.AO]
→ Feature: M. Johnson-Groh. A look at adaptive systems from biology to machine learning. Scilight 2023:301105 (2023). DOI: 10.1063/10.0020288.

C. Kuehn and J. Mölter. The influence of a transport process on the epidemic threshold. Journal of Mathematical Biology 85:62 (2022). DOI: 10.1007/s00285-022-01810-7 . arXiv:2112.04951 [nlin.AO]

L. Avitan, Z. Pujic, J. Mölter, S. Zhu, B. Sun, and G. J. Goodhill. Spontaneous and evoked activity patterns diverge over development. eLife 10:e61942 (2021). DOI: 10.7554/eLife.61942 

L. Avitan, Z. Pujic, J. Mölter, M. McCullough, S. Zhu, B. Sun, A.-E. Myhre, and G. J. Goodhill. Behavioral Signatures of a Developing Neural Code. Current Biology 30 (2020), 3352–3363. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.06.040

J. Mölter and G. J. Goodhill. Limitations to Estimating Mutual Information in Large Neural Populations. Entropy 22:490 (2020). DOI: 10.3390/e22040490 

E. Wong, J. Mölter, V. Anggono, S. M. Degnan, and B. M. Degnan. Co-expression of synaptic genes in the sponge Amphimedon queenslandica uncovers ancient neural submodules. Scientific Reports 9:15781 (2019). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-51282-x 

J. Mölter, L. Avitan, and G. J. Goodhill. Detecting neural assemblies in calcium imaging data. BMC Biology 16:143 (2018). DOI: 10.1186/s12915-018-0606-4 

L. Avitan, Z. Pujic, J. Mölter, M. Van De Poll, B. Sun, H. Teng, R. Amor, E. K. Scott, and G. J. Goodhill. Spontaneous Activity in the Zebrafish Tectum Reorganizes over Development and Is Influenced by Visual Experience. Current Biology 27 (2017), 2407–2419. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.06.056

J. Mölter, T. Barthel, U. Schollwöck, and V. Alba. Bound states and entanglement in the excited states of quantum spin chains. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2014:P10029 (2014). DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/2014/10/P10029. arXiv:1407.0066 [cond-mat.str-el]


J. Mölter. Information processing in the developing zebrafish brain. Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland (2020). DOI: 10.14264/uql.2020.923 

J. Mölter. On Anderson Orthogonality within the interacting and non-interacting Luttinger-Sy model. Department of Mathematics, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (2016)

J. Mölter. Quantum entanglement of anti-ferromagnetic isotropic Heisenberg spin chains: Bethe ansatz treatment. Faculty of Physics, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (2013)

Scientific communication

August 2024 — The impact of group interactions on opinion formation. XLIV Dynamics Days Europe 2024 (Minisymposium: Adaptive dynamical networks). Bremen, Germany

July 2023 — Preserving Bifurcations through Moment Closures. International Conference on ΣΤΑΤΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΦΥΣΙΚΗ / SigmaPhi 2023 (Workshop: Complex Networks – Hidden Geometry and Dynamics). Chania, Crete, Greece

May 2023 — Conditions on the Choice of Moment Closures to Preserve Bifurcations in Network Dynamical Systems. SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems 2023 (Contributed Session: Bifurcations II). Portland (OR), United States of America

September 2022 — The Influence of a Transport Process on the Epidemic Threshold. Workshop: Adaptivity in nonlinear dynamical systems. Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK), Potsdam, Germany

July 2022 — The Influence of a Transport Process on the Epidemic Threshold. SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences 2022 (Minisymposium: Dynamical Transitions in Nodes and Networks). Pittsburgh (PA), United States of America

September 2020 — Analysing neural population activity to study information processing in the brain. Parietal Team Seminar. Inria, Paris, France

September 2020 — Analysing neural population activity to study information processing in the brain. Oberseminar Dynamics. Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany

August 2018 — Graph Theory and Neuroscience. ARC Centre of Excellence for Integrative Brain Function Early Career Researcher Retreat. Melbourne, Australia